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Nazi International

Joseph P. Farrell

Physicist and Oxford educated historian Joseph P. Farrell continues his best-selling series..., explaining how the ancient secret societies took over entire religions and nations, among them the Nazi party, Germany, Washington D.C. and other key organizations.

Part 1 Nazi International

Joseph P. Farrell, The Byte Show with Georgeanne Hughes

Alt Link.

Part 2 Nazi International

Joseph P. Farrell, The Byte Show with Georgeanne Hughes

Alt Link.

Rise of the Bormann Reich (Pt. 1 & 2)

Joseph P. Farrell, Forum Borealis ...How did Martin Bormann survive the war and what was he up to afterwards? ...To what extent did the extraterritorial Nazi state influence USA?

Youtube Link | Spotify Link.

The Third Way

Joseph P Farrell, Conspiracy Or Not, Here We Come #23 - The History You never Heard Of. 10 min: The Madrid Circular. 17 min: Operation Gladio and General Reinhart Galen CIA connection. 39 min: Financial flow from Prescott Bush (Union Bank and Trust) to Fritz Thiesen (Vereinichte Stahl Werke) to Adolf Hitler's campaign.

Alt Link.

10 Min: Madrid Circular (appears in book by T.H. Tetens): ...the post war Nazi group outlines its strategy with the outbreak of the Korean War for how it is going to play American and the Soviet Union off against each other for the express purpose of creating maneuvering room for West Germany....If the document is genuine, then you should expect to see actual, real policy implementation that mirrors the document...

*Important Note: Nazis on this website is used to refer to the Khazarian Mafia and it's globalist, international group of controllers (not necessarily one monolithic group, but instead an assortment of competing groups. Nazis is not used in reference to the current people of Germany, although much of the German government and bigCorporations such as Bayer/IG Farben etc may be complicit. Instead, international Nazis refers to the transformation of the ancient babylonian extra-territorial-fascist-statist-bankster elite throughout history operating in ancient Babylon, Rome, Venice, Constantinople, Amsterdam, London to finally land in the modern era, where they entangled The Ottoman Empire, Austro-Hungary, and finally Prussia, the Germanic Republics and Hitler's Fascist Germany in their web of financial slavery. Currently it also includes Washington D.C. Dr. Farrell references their modern disquise as The Nazi International and has an excellent book by that title.