Health & Healing

What is Glyphosate?

Glyphosate + Aluminum + Mercury + Glutamate = Autism

Stephanie Seneff, BS, MS, EE, PhD., explains: Monsanto's Roundup Herbicide = Glyphosate.

...What makes glyphosate so dangerous is that it is pervasive, cumulatively insidiously toxic...Glyphosate collaborates with toxic components in vaccines to destroy neurons...glyphosate contamination in the food sets up a leaky gut barrier and leaky brain barrier...

Chlorine Dioxide (CD / MMS) is significantly reducing / reversing autism! Learn more about Chlorine Dioxide.

307 Glyphosate Toxins & Mind Science, Connection to Autism, ALS, Alzheimers, Depression, Anxiety, Dr. Stephanie Seneff

Stephanie Seneff, 9:44 minutes: ...glyphosate is a direct match to autism...the dysbiosis in the gut, the disruption of the gut microbes, the sulphur problem, the methylation problem, all of these chelating minerals, [glyphosate] making them unavailable. All these things, I already knew they were problems in autism that matched what glyphosate was doing to our physiology....

Stephanie Seneff, 8:00 minutes, from Glyphosate, Autism and Gut Dysbiosis Connecting the Dots...for example, serotonin, dopamine, melatonin, epinephrine and folate are all derived from the aromatic amino acids that are either in the food or produced by the microbes to supply to the host. And our cells don't have the pathway that disrupts this production of the aromatic amino acids. However, as a consequence our cells can't make these special molecules, so we depend upon our gut microbes to make them for us and glyphosate interferes with that process. I think this is critical for things like serotonin deficiency leading to depression and violent behavior, and also obesity. And melatonin deficiency which is going to lead to a sleep disorder, which is also an epidemic....