
Subliminal Silent Sound Frequencies Sent Directly To Your Brain
We are the temple of the breath of God

...God is Light and in him is no darkness at all... For various walks in life, please use the word EnergySource, Universe or TheGreatSpirit for God. We are ...Living Stones... a Spiritual House...the Temple of God... ~ 1 Peter 2:5, 1 Cor 3:16. All truth goes through three stages ...ridiculed...violently rejected...third, accepted as self-evident. ~ Arthur Schopenhauer.

Electro-magnetic Fields and Emotional Manipulation

Who owns the patents and devices listed below? Why do they even exist? Who pays for the development? Are they being used today?

Most of us were never taught that the amazing healthy human body is FULL of electro-magnetic fields and frequencies. Technology itself is neutral. But how technology is used is not: it can be healthy or destructive.

Cloning Human Brain Waves

....The latest development...is the cloning of the human EEG or brain waves ....segments of human emotions which include anger, anxiety, sadness, fear... have been identified and isolated within the EEG signals...relevant frequencies and amplitudes have been measured.

...Then the very frequency/amplitude cluster is synthesized and ...placed on the Silent Sound carrier frequencies and could silently trigger the occurrence of the same basic emotion in another human being. [Source: Armen Victorian, Mind Controllers]

Frequencies Used to Manipulate EEG Brain Waves (Thought-Emotive Frequencies)

Electronic mind-mood-emotive control frequencies can be carried on all digital devices, wifi and gwen towers.There appear to be two methods of delivery...One is direct microwave induction into the brain of the subject... The other...utilizes ordinary radio and television [including digital devices-wifi] carrier frequencies. [Judy Wall, Bibliotecapleyades.net]

More on Military Applications for Psychotronics and Silent Sound

Psychological Mind Control Techniques

The end apparently justifies the means, is the approach we had taken, he said, and so covert operations and assassinations, and maybe even the use of children in Monarch 497 ... seemed reasonable at the time, because we were saving the country. Everything for saving the country. National security and the Cold War. In war, all is fair. CIA Director William Colby, as related by John DeCamp, Executive Intelligence Review, Volume 26, Number 12, March 19, 1999 497

MKULTRA documented by Congressional Record. ...Government documents showing the MKULTRA program...Admiral Stansfield Turner, DCI of the CIA [USN March 9, 1977 ? January 20, 1981]. In 1977 he [Turner] went before congress. He...told congress about this mind control, this MKULTRA. He, in public, said 80 American institutions are participating with the CIA in doing this mind control...prisons, hospitals, universities.... This structure of mind control is all over and he said that publicly before congress...If a person sincerely starts investigating this... book after book and example after example, you start seeing the patterns... ~ Fritz Springmeier

From what the author's can tell, MKULTRA, Trauma Induced Mind Control and Monarch Mind Control are various man-made forms of inducing schizophrenic states often identified as MPD (multiple personality disorder) or DID (dissociative identity disorder). The man-made version is induced through trauma, violence, drugs, torture, etc. They are designed to mimic the biological-hereditary form of Schizophrenia or, to use a better categorization, the Disease of Perspectives.

The objective of the Mind controllers

The objective is to de-humanize. I.E. the satanic objective to eliminate the 'image of God in man'.

Global level: controlling mood, psychological and physical state of both individuals and entire geographic areas and nations.

Individual level: 'militarize the human soul' by inducing mood and identity disorders in direct opposition to our Heavenly Father's objective as we know and are convinced that our Soul is to be a temple of the Holy Spirit of the Living God and not a war zone enslaved to Satan. Also to 'hyper-sexualize' the human soul by inducing hyper-sexual addiction(s).

In their desire to militarize a human being, the mind-controllers have pursued massive research into the hidden powers of the human soul which are very real and very powerful. This paranormal and metaphysical research is often advertised casually though hollywood, movies and TV to encourage a.) fallen selfishness (narcissism/megalomania) and b.) encourage exploring the paranormal. Phrases such as finding your innate super powers or releasing the hidden powers of your soul are used. All are offers to the 'ego' or 'self-life'.

Training Manuals

The dark side get their training manual from NAZI medical research and ancient sources including paranormal research. But we walk in the light of the Lord Jesus Christ as T. Austin Sparks so excellently instructs us in What is man? re: the human construct, the failure of psychology, difference between mysticism and spirituality, the soul and deception, miracles vs paranormal, evil spiritual powers.

The Lord Jesus actively chose NOT to use these hidden powers of the soul for his own benefit (agrandizement) independently from The Father as can be seen by His life on this earth and his own words to us [John 5:19-24]. Instead, everywhere Christ walked power flowed out from him to heal the sick and cast out demons. Christ actively denied the 'self-life' or 'ego-life'. When directly tempted by Satan three times to use these forces independently of The Father, our Lord actively denied this choice and chose the Cross instead. Our Messiah is our powerful mediator before our Heavenly Father.

Our prayer is that many might be delivered out of dark satanic slavery into the Kingdom of light and atoning blood and Life of the Son of God, Christ Jesus.

The people seeking to induce and control these mental states in order to militarize or sexualize or just plain abuse the Human Soul have psychopathic and extreme need to control profiles. They are typically extremely narcissistic and often very charming, i.e. they want people to like them.

Ketone Healing

Many so called permanent neurological difficulties or diseases can be reversed, prevented, moderated using Ketone Therapy (Purchase used copy of Stop Alzheimers Now by Dr. Bruce Fife). This book is wonderful resource for dealing with the physiological aspect of all neurological disease, not just Alzheimers. This includes dementia, parkinson's, ALS, ADHD, MS, epilepsy, PTSD, diabetic problems, mood swings, bipolar concerns, schizophrenia, etc.